
How to fit a bicycle helmet properly.

How to fit a bicycle helmet properly.

A fall or collision without a helmet can cause serious brain injury. It’s important that everyone, including adults, wears one. It’s not enough to just wear one though, it needs to fit properly! Here are our top tips for ensuring a perfect fit…

  1. Size does matter! Don’t buy a helmet that you haven’t tried on. Some helmets only have a chinstrap to secure them but most have an adjustable system at the back of the head. You need to make sure that the helmet is snug and doesn’t move side to side, or slip forwards or back when you move your head. Some new helmets come with sizing pads, which you can use to get a more secure fit, you can remove these from a child’s helmet when their head grows.
  2. Position is key. The helmet should sit low on your forehead – just above the eyebrows. Whoever is being fitted should be able to look up and see the front rim of the helmet on their head.
  3. Side straps. The side straps that come down either side of your ear should form a ‘Y’ that meets just below your ear lobe. Sometime the side straps are easier to adjust if you take the helmet off.
  4. Buckle up. The chin strap must be tightened until no more than one finger can fit between it and your chin.

Chloe Beauvois

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